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Mesa Boogie

Mesa Boogie

Mesa Boogie - Their Story

Mesa Boogie was created by Randall Smith back in 1971, the location; Petaluma California. Working in a fender shop making small repairs, Smith found that he was able to tweak the amplifiers to create more volume, input gain, as well as adding a distorted element to the sound which created a great effect for electric guitarists. Keith Richards and Carlos Santana were both early customers of the brand. This calibre of clientelle of course catapulted the brand into a new league, earning the unofficial title of the first suppliers of 'Boutique Amplifiers'. 

Mesa Boogie - Their Series:

Mark Series:

The Mark Series was the first of Mesa Boogie's products to really take flight and was their most highly sold range until the release of the Rectifier series. Although this product celebrated it's 30th birthday back in 2001 it is still very much running and thriving. The most recent model to have been released into the series is the JP-2C. This also happenes to be the first amplifier which features two of their well-renowned 5-band equalizers

Rectifier Series:

The Rectifier Series made its way onto our shelves during the year of 1991. This has remained to this day the flagship product of Mesa Boogie.

The range included: The Solo, The Heartbreaker, The Maverick and The Blue Angel. The reason that they were named the Rectifier series is that all but the Blue Angel had dual electrical rectification (power conversion from AC to DC)

Other amplifier lines that you may have heard of include the Express, the Electra Dyne, as well as the Atlantic Series

